Server Status

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Shared Royal-2 PHP Info
da1785 PHP Info
Support Delays (In Progress) High

Affecting System - DoRoyal Portal

  • 09/28/2024 06:51
  • Last Updated 09/30/2024 06:30

We’re having issues with our Portal, preventing us from replying to tickets. WHMCS recently updated, and we didn’t figure out that an issue even existed until just recently. 

From our end, our responses to tickets are going through just fine. It isn’t until we log out and back in that we see that things failed to go through. 

We’re working on getting this fixed as soon as possible. If you have a ticket open and active, we’ll respond to you as soon as we are actually able to do so.


Update: It appears as though our Jester AI department still works just fine. Beyond that, we're also actively replying over on our Discord, so if you need immediate assistance, Discord may be the best option. 

We're working with our development team to get WHMCS back in a stable and fully working condition. There's a new update to the panel that we plan to apply shortly. Hopefully this fixes everything, and we can actually reply to our customers again! 

Stay tuned.